Peer reviewed papers on performance |
- Screening performance and characteristics of breast cancer detected in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a randomised, controlled, parallel-group, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study (read)
- Using AI to Select Women with Intermediate Breast Cancer Risk for Breast Screening with MRI (read)
- AI-enhanced Mammography With Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Breast Cancer Detection: Clinical Value and Comparison With Human Performance (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Early Indicators of the Impact of Using AI inMammography Screening for Breast Cancer (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: The efficacy of artificial intelligence (AI) in detecting interval cancers in the national screening program of a middle-income country (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: AI performance by mammographic density in a retrospective cohort study of 99,489 participants in BreastScreen Norway (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Breast cancer detection accuracy of AI in an entire screening population: a retrospective, multicentre study (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Impact of real-life use of artificial intelligence as support for human reading in a population-based breast cancer screening program with mammography and tomosynthesis (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: AI Risk Score on Screening Mammograms Preceding Breast Cancer Diagnosis (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Artificial intelligence in BreastScreen Norway: a retrospective analysis of a cancer-enriched sample including 1254 breast cancer cases (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Multi-modal artificial intelligence for the combination of automated 3D breast ultrasound and mammograms in a population of women with predominantly dense breasts (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.7.0: Artificial Intelligence Evaluation of 122 969 Mammography Examinations from a Population-based Screening Program (read)
- Transpara 2D+3D, 1.7.0: Stand-Alone Use of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Mammography and Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Screening : A Retrospective Evaluation (read)
- Transpara 3D, 1.7.0: AI Detection of Missed Cancers on Digital Mammography That Were Detected on Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (read)
- Transpara 3D, 1.6.0: Impact of Artificial Intelligence Decision Support Using Deep Learning on Breast Cancer Screening Interpretation with Single-View Wide-Angle Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (read)
- Transpara 2D+3D, 1.6.0: AI-based Strategies to Reduce Workload in Breast Cancer Screening with Mammography and Tomosynthesis: A Retrospective Evaluation (read)
- Transpara 3D, 1.6.0: Impact of artificial intelligence support on accuracy and reading time in breast tomosynthesis image interpretation: a multi-reader multi-case study (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.5.0: Can artificial intelligence reduce the interval cancer rate in mammography screening? (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.3.0: Artificial intelligence for breast cancer detection in mammography: experience of use of the ScreenPoint Medical Transpara system in 310 Japanese women Breast Cancer (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.4.0: Identifying normal mammograms in a large screening population using artificial intelligence (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.4.0: Can we reduce the workload of mammographic screening by automatic identification of normal exams with artificial intelligence? A feasibility study (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.3.0: Detection of Breast Cancer with Mammography: Effect of an Artificial Intelligence Support System (read)
- Transpara 2D, 1.4.0: Stand-alone artificial intelligence for breast cancer detection in mammography: Comparison with 101 radiologists (read)
- All papers can be found here.