ImageBiopsy Lab
IB Lab FLAMINGO provides detection and labeling of vertebral fractures on a variety of CT imaging indications. The software provides prompt detection of vertebral fractures as secondary radiological findings. Furthermore, IB Lab FLAMINGO enables standardized detection of vertebral fractures as secondary radiological findings.
Information source: Vendor
Last updated: Dec. 19, 2023

General Information

Product name IB Lab FLAMINGO
Company ImageBiopsy Lab
Subspeciality MSK
Modality CT
Disease targeted Vertebral compression fractures, osteoporosis
Key-features Vertebral labeling of thoracic and lumbar spine, vertebral fracture detection on subject and vertebral level (absence/presence)
Suggested use Opportunistically scanned for vertebral compression fractures during CT examination conducted for various other reasons

Technical Specifications

Data characteristics
Population The usage of IB Lab FLAMINGO is limited to use in adults aged 50 years and older.
Input Any spine containing CT, max. slice thickness: 3 mm, patient age >50, contrast, non-contrast, all reconstruction kernels
Input format DICOM
Output Vertebral label as overlay on image, list of vertebra with fracture detected, graphical summary of findings, subject level abesence/presence of fracture
Output format DICOM, PDF
Integration Integration in standard reading environment (PACS)
Deployment Locally on dedicated hardware, Locally virtualized (virtual machine, docker)
Trigger for analysis Automatically, right after the image acquisition, On demand, triggered by a user through e.g. a button click, image upload, etc.
Processing time 1 - 10 minutes


Certified, Class IIa , MDR
FDA No or not yet
Intended Use Statements
Intended use (according to CE)


Market presence
On market since 11-2023
Distribution channels
Countries present (clinical, non-research use) EU
Paying clinical customers (institutes)
Research/test users (institutes) 1
Pricing model Subscription
Based on Number of analyses


Peer reviewed papers on performance
Non-peer reviewed papers on performance
Other relevant papers

  • External validation of a convolutional neural network algorithm for opportunistically detecting vertebral fractures in routine CT scans (read)

  • Towards Improved Identification of Vertebral Fractures in Routine Computed Tomography (CT) Scans: Development and External Validation of a Machine Learning Algorithm (read)