e-ASPECTS is a decision support tool for assessing stroke signs on plain CT brain scans which automates and standardizes the ASPECTS score and measures the volume of ischemic signs. e-ASPECTS assesses non-contrast CT scans for signs of hypodensity, with a "heat map" indicating areas of detected hypodensity and automatically segments ASPECTS regions, scoring and outlining regions containing signs of hypodensity.

e-ASPECTS additionally highlights and measures hyperdense vessel signs to detect occlusions as well as volumes of hyperdensities, which may be indicative of blood.
Information source: Vendor
Last updated: Feb. 18, 2024

General Information

Product name e-ASPECTS
Company Brainomix
Subspeciality Neuro
Modality CT
Disease targeted Stroke
Key-features ASPECTS score, ischemic volume quantification, HDVS detection, hyperdensity detection and quantification, report generation
Suggested use

Technical Specifications

Data characteristics
Population Patients with suspicion of stroke
Input Non-contrast CT
Input format DICOM
Output Heatmaps and segmentation outlines, clinical scoring
Output format
Integration Integration in standard reading environment (PACS), Stand-alone third party application, Stand-alone webbased
Deployment Locally on dedicated hardware, Locally virtualized (virtual machine, docker), Cloud-based, Hybrid solution
Trigger for analysis Automatically, right after the image acquisition, On demand, triggered by a user through e.g. a button click, image upload, etc.
Processing time


Certified, Class IIa , MDD
FDA 510(k) cleared , Class II
Intended Use Statements
Intended use (according to CE)


Market presence
On market since 03-2015
Distribution channels Blackford, Calantic
Countries present (clinical, non-research use)
Paying clinical customers (institutes)
Research/test users (institutes)
Pricing model
Based on


Peer reviewed papers on performance

  • Assessing variability in non-contrast CT for the evaluation of stroke: The effect of CT image reconstruction conditions on AI-based CAD measurements of ASPECTS value and hypodense volume (read)

  • Comparison of automated ASPECTS, large vessel occlusion detection and CTP analysis provided by Brainomix and RapidAI in patients with suspected ischaemic stroke (read)

  • Hyperdense Artery Sign in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke–Automated Detection With Artificial Intelligence-Driven Software (read)

  • Automated assessment of ischemic core on non-contrast computed tomography: a multicenter comparative analysis with CT perfusion (read)

  • e-ASPECTS software improves interobserver agreement and accuracy of interpretation of aspects score (read)

Non-peer reviewed papers on performance
Other relevant papers