Find the artificial intelligence based software for radiology that you are looking for. All products listed are available for the European market (CE marked).
4/219 results
MRI scan acceleration, MRI image enhancement
SwiftMR aims to accelerate MRI scans by up to 50% by enhancing low-quality initial outputs from accelerated scans. The deep-learning model improves SNR and resolution of MRI inputs, irrespective of ...
Lumbar spine annotation, smart navigation, editable report, editable separate pathology report, ...
CoLumbo is an AI assistant software for the interpretation of lumbar spine MR scans. It is a deep learning algorithm that aims to help radiologists reduce the patient examination reading and ...
Automated generation of perfusion parameter maps and Vascular Input Function, anatomical image ...
IB DCE calculates parameters for solid tumor perfusion and permeability analysis. IB DCE includes the Tofts, Extended Tofts, and Patlak models. IB DCE can be used to monitor tumor response to ...
ADC calculations, parameter normalization
IB Diffusion calculates ADC maps, and other diffusion parameters such as IVIM, Extrapolated b-value, and stretched exponential (Alpha and DDC) to probe abnormalities of tissue structure.